The Awards

Let's make it clear, Tangakavalerene
( or the Tangacavaliers as they say in Brigthon,)
have been nominated

0 - times for an Oscar, ( we haven't made any films , yet)

We have not yet become famous for winning a Tony Award or a Pulitzer-price.

Vi husker ikke sist vi vant en Oscar, så det må være lenge siden.

Og Tony Pulitzer har ikke kontaktet oss.

Men Carnegy er nær.

And we have also we have won three of the most important thing for a performing artist,
  1. the continuos battle against ourselves.
  2. the admiration and glory from the audience.
  3. and the admiration and glory from the critics.

which makes us more than satisfied.

Vi er derimot svært stolte over å vunnet
  1. vårt kjære publikums hjerte,
  2. våre kritikeres ros og
  3. den evige kampen mot oss selv.
But the first thing that we did that can be taken as a move in direction winning anything, was to take home a

(Rune has the price still, and has not found out how to use it.)

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