Berlin 2006 Noen bilder fra våren 2006 1 2 3 4 5
  Berlin - Bygninger  

Berlin Hauptbahnhof
- The new railwaystation

Sloss Charlottenburg

- Erected 1695–99 as a sommer residence for  Sophie Charlotte, the wife of Kurfürst Friedrichs III.

Theater am Schiffbauerdamm
- Das Berliner Ensemble

- were Bertold Brecht worked


- outside

The old 68 meter high churhtower after the bombing in 1943. The new and modern church was built 1951 - 1961 on both sides of the ruins.


- inside.
Here you can see the daylight true 20 000 coloured  glass-elements

Der Berliner Dom sett fra Lustplasse

- The Berlin Cathedral .
The TV-tower to the right

Der Berliner Dom sett fra TV-tårnet

- The Berlin Cathedral as seen from the TV-tower

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